
Urgent: Saved Credit Card processing failures after updating Stripe

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a couple days ago, I update the woocommerce stripe plugin per the emailed instructions (“Reminder: Update your WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway by October 29”). Since then, subscriptions or payments attempted with a saved credit card fail IN Stripe, they show error 400. In Woocommerce, they show errors like:

Sorry, we are unable to process the payment at this time. Reason: No such customer: ‘cus_H2fTnQl9CY7xUW’ <link>


Payment failed: No such customer: ‘cus_F1wdBJmaFVONdI’ Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.

and sometimes that the src code is invalid.

I contacted Stripe support, and they said, “Woocommerce is creating another customer profile that doesn’t have a saved payment method, and that’s why you’re getting this error message “resource_missing—source. “They told me others had called, and this was a Woocommerce issue.

What do I do to resolve this? ALL our subscription renewals are failing, and most online orders. Help!?

  • This topic was modified 6 minutes ago by carinlockhart.

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